IPCPC (Broadband Institute Foundation: Internet Public Commons Platform Cooperative) is a Michigan educational nonprofit, IRS: PUBLIC CHARITY. We are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
Two ways to give

General Fund
Help to fund demonstration equipment for creating exhibits at museums, libraries and colleges and general operations, e.g. accounting, legal . . .

Matching Fund
Donations are targeted to compensating a Community Broadband Manager with matching funds from Ann Arbor Spark and MEDC
Or add funds directly to our bank.
Financial transparency
We use OpenCollective to enable full financial transparency and we can help your organization to do the same. We accept a variety of payment forms, from dollars to crypto.
Other Ways to Help
Giving Love

You can show love by spreading the word and sharing our message with your family, friends and contacts on social media.

You can help your neighbors get connected.
Real social impact
end the digital divide
Simply subsidizing payments to the ISP incumbents who have redlined urban neighborhoods and rural geographies will not solve the Digital Divide problem. Some choose to give hungry people fish, others might teach people how to fish, we are going a step further and changing the fishing industry.
Help Solve the puzzle (Become a piece of the puzzle)
- Sponsors offer endorsements and or in-kind contributions.
- Donors contribute financially from dollars to crypto.