We are a charitable, educational 501 (c)(3) nonprofit accepting tax deductible donations.
competition + cooperation = #Internetforall
We create and curate Creative Commons, educational materials to address the Digital Divide by teaching community members to cooperatively own and run “free market” Broadband Internet infrastructure with Open Access Fiber.
compete on performance
share knowledge
share infrastructure
Since the 1980s we have supported Open Source, Open Standards and more recently #OpenAccessFiber to promote competition that will enable new enterprises to share the knowledge necessary to transform society and ensure a better future for us all.
three pillars of our platform
Self- governance
We employ consensus decision making using tools for proposals and voting made by Loomio.
From dollars to tokens all our finances are made completely transparent by using OpenCollective.
Team Members
Our Board of directors
We have decades of experience in systems innovation, startup culture from the latest engineering advances and legal issues to democratic self-governance in cooperative ventures and data transparency in financial management.

Board Chair, CIO

mohan kartha

carol shepherd, Esq.

Stan Voskov
Chief Technology Officer
Open access fiber
In Open Access Fiber networks, the same physical network infrastructure is utilized by multiple providers delivering services to subscribers. The Open Access business model has been drawing attention globally as governments and municipalities find the concept of offering competition between providers and the freedom of choice for the subscriber is essential. It has also proved to be a feasible way to connect rural areas where service providers might have a hard time generating enough revenue to justify investing in their own network infrastructure.
IEEE Communications Society Technology Blog
EFF sent comments to the NTIA urging them to fund the deployment of open access fiber networks, properly vet all projects seeking funding, and provide assistance to motivated local and regional entities who want to build their own open-access networks. This framework should allow the NTIA to best distribute the more than $48 billion of broadband funding allotted through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and deliver to all Americans access to reliable, affordable, high-speed broadband.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
A key problem in improving Internet access has been ensuring residents and local businesses have high quality services. One means of ensuring high quality is via competition – if people can switch away from their Internet Service Provider, the ISP has an incentive to provide better services. However, the high cost of building networks is a barrier for new ISPs to enter the market – limiting the number of options for communities. Open access provides a solution: multiple providers sharing the same physical network. Publicly owned, open access networks can create a vibrant and innovative market for telecommunications services. Municipalities build the physical infrastructure (fiber-optic lines, wireless access points, etc.) and independent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operate in a competitive market using the same physical network. In this competitive marketplace, ISPs compete for customers and have incentives to innovate rather than simply locking out competitors with a de facto monopoly.
Institute for Local Self Reliance