we are the
all of us!
We Can Connect Us. Together, we transform the digital divide into Digital Dividends for all with our Member collaborative engagement tools and our social Group learning management system, Platform Cooperative to build Community Owned Internet Networks, that restore the Internet as a Public Commons and promote a regenerative circular economy.
Together we can make the Internet be like the sidewalk connecting people, students, teachers, nonprofits and businesses without a toll booth controlled by mega-monopolies.

Community ownership: better, Faster, Cheaper
You may live in areas where big Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are not providing any access. Or you may not be willing to pay the exorbitant prices those companies are charging. Would you like to learn to create your own access? We want to teach you how to create connections that are faster and cheaper than anything big Internet providers are offering.
connect, learn, teach and build
connect, learn, teach and build

Take Classes on Building Broadband Infrastructure
We offer job training in the knowledge and skills needed for network engineers, network operators, installers, community managers, and “support that doesn’t suck” staff to future-proof your community. Design your infrastructure to meet your community’s needs.

Join our community of Builders
Connect with other learners and support each other. LOCALLY RUN networks are made up of nodes owned and managed by the people who put them in their homes. Learn how to build your own business, cooperative, or community run ISP.

Teach Others what you have learned
Our P2P platform cooperative enables teachers to earn revenue for the classes they lead. Our Community Forums offer a place for sharing knowledge and experiences. We provide web and mobile access for teachers and learners to connect like drivers and passengers in a ride-share app.

Learn how to Access Funding
Learn how to crowd fund and take donations online. Our colleagues include organizations and government agencies assisting communities in gaining access to broadband infrastructure funding.

Learn to navigate rules and regulations
While we are politically non-partisan, we share knowledge and partnerships across different communities that enable us to collectively counter the influence of the lobbyists who are paid handsomely by ISP incumbents.

Become a community broadband advocate
Learn how to become an ambassador and introduce stakeholders in your community to the methods for you to create locally run networks. Increase the velocity of money in your locale and grow together with your neighbors, rather than waving goodbye to money leaving your community.
We are a group of dreamers

We are a group of dreamers

We believe that we can create a society where people are able to freely exchange ideas. We want every child to be able to do their homework from home and every person able to access the information they need. We come from various racial and ethnic backgrounds and we are all different ages, and we are working together to make the internet a right for everyone. We may not agree on everything, but we fervently believe that no one should be excluded for lack of funds or because they live in the wrong area.
Join Us Now
Join Us Now
Become a Member
Basic membership will always be free. Connect with others to become an expert, then use your expertise to transform your local community economy. While others experience mega-ISP inflation pricing, you can be in control.
Be a Partner
Our growing partnerships include libraries, community colleges, small business advocates, coworking spaces, and Internet access advocates from the government to private organizations.
Become a Donor
We use Open Collective, an online funding platform for open and transparent communities, with tools to raise and share our finances in full transparency.

your Internet rights
your Internet rights
Fast, affordable Internet is a right, not a privilege.
– Althea
The Internet, like the roads, must be open access.
Ownership and freedom of choice are an essential part of the internet.
Community-based Internet is democratized Internet.